Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shelled Hemp Seeds Reviews and information

Shelled Hemp SeedsAlot can happen in five days

Mon, 10 Nov 2008 19:52:40 EDT
Banana, mixed berries, goji berries, cacao beans, spirulina, shelled hemp seeds, young coconut water (fresh from previous night), water and ice....

Alot can happen in five days

Mon, 10 Nov 2008 19:52:40 EDT
Banana, mixed berries, goji berries, cacao beans, spirulina, shelled hemp seeds, young coconut water (fresh from previous night), water and ice....

Nutiva Hemp & Coconut Mixed Martial Artist Kyle Kingsbury Relies on Nutiva Hemp & Coconut for Nutritional Boost

Tue, 06 Jan 2009 12:36:37 EDT
I know that using Nutiva’s line of Organic Hemp Protein, Coconut Oil, and Shelled Hemp Seeds puts back into my body the nutrients that I need to be successful i n the octagon....

Topics on Shelled Hemp SeedsFlaxseed

2) 8 ounce of milk should be mixed with about 3 ounces of prune juice in addition to little drops of licorice extract and should be taken in morning to treat constipation as soon as possible. This is simple and effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

3) Drink each morning on an empty stomach, humid water mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and half a lemon juice.
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It's Time to Digest Some Healthy Eating Advice
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A blog about Organic Chlorella

Organic ChlorellaMy Mind Diet Plan To The Perfect Body

Mind over matter. That is what some like to call it. However, I do not believe that is how it works. God, the Infinite Mind, or the Infinite Intelligence created the whole universe from what we perceive as nothing. Yet in my study of Holy Writings, I have learned that the unseen universe is actually what God tells us to be the 'reality' of things. We have had philosophers throughout history talk about how this world is just an illusion to reality as well.

If we can accept these things to be true, than would it not be reasonable to deduct that it is your mind that sustains and maintains the state of your body? What if, the body of your dreams is actually just a thought away? Sounds too good to be true doesn?t it. Well, it really is that simple, but nobody ever said that simple is easy.

Today?s diet industry grosses billions of dollars every year with everyone trying to lose weight. As we all know, the overwhelming majority of them fail. What we also know, is that most of these diet plans do not even correspond to what we know scientifically about the body and how it works to keepor lose fat weight. So how is it that regardless of these facts, there are still a number of people who do manage to actually use these programs and lose the weight? From my standpoint, it was not the diet that actually did anything. It was the conditioning of the mind that caused the weight to drop.

The reason there are new diets that always come out is because it always gives those who are seeking to lose the weight something to believe in. When a dieter starts on a new program, it is not the effects of the program that make them lose the weight as much as the changing believe patterns that are happening in their mind. While I do agree that the change in the way they eat, what they eat, and how much exercise they get has a contributing factor to how their body will change, I don?t think that is where most of the credit should be given. Most of what is happening takes place in the mind. The diet only forces the person to change their habitual behaviour patterns that have determined their body size. Once new behaviour patterns are set then the mind tells the body the form it should take.

All the elaborate diets we have all tried are only designed to do one thing in reality, to change your mind. Most people are unaware of this, so it is necessary that we package and sell them something so that they can buy into the believe of weight loss. However, if we can let go of what many of us have grown upbeing told are the reality of things, than we can get passed the ?mind crutch? as I like to call it, and go directly to the source for the solution; your mind.

Last year, I made a resolution to myself at the beginning of the year to achieve optimal health and fitness. Through out the year I did it ALL. I have a long long history of going on various diets and programs myself. I have done just about everything you can think of short of anything surgical. Since I was a kid, I have always been something of a chunky monkey. While I really do have a very strong muscular build, it doesn?t excuse the extra layer of icing that covers this beefcake. In 2006, I went on rigorous diet programs, took supplements galore, and even went through a quarter of the year getting cleansed.

Many of the latest ?natural health? information was telling me about how the cleansing would make such a huge difference in my weight because of all the excess garbage I have built upin my digestive system through out the years. Certainly sounds plausible, considering the amount of McDonalds and BK I have had over my lifetime. However, after doing more than enough cleanses, I did not lose the magical pounds that were boasted by many writers.

I took numerous weight loss supplements over the year that had very limited impact. Strangely enough, years ago they seemed to work for me better than this time around. I followed calorie restricted diet plans, I followed eat a ton of protein, and I did the carb restriction stuff. All together, I ended uplosing some weight, but not enough to make a significant difference in my clothing size.

All in all, I was putting all my expectations in the programs and not getting to the source of the problem, which is in my head. I have only recently realized that it is in my thoughts that I maintain my body size. I have noticed how when I talk to others online, how they will ask me about my weight, I will always give some kind of justification for it. My favorite one is that I am working here 16 hours a day at the computer, and so with no activity, I am bound to gain weight. Followed upwith the dream of one day not sitting here 16 hours a day and being able to hike, and skydive, and do lots of activities that I love to do, THEN all my weight will dropoff, because I have all that activity.

Do you see what I have done here? I have set myself upfor failure. This single believe, which I continue to speak into existence almost every other day, will thwart any other attempts I make to lose the extra pounds. It doesn?t matter what I do, as long as I believe this, I will keepmy body in about the same place it has come to accept as what it should be. For the last year, I have watched my weight hover within about 5lbs of 220lbs. I can work really hard and bring it down to 215lbs. Then after a short while, I climbs its way back upto 225lbs. I start to put more work into it again, and I?m back to 220lbs and so on. While I have managed to pack on some extra muscle, which of course makes a difference in how much of this weight is fat, I still have not really done anything significant to change my overall body structure, which is beefcake with icing mostly around the middle and bottom.

The other day I remembered some advice I got from my chiropractor regarding my weight when I told him about my plight to make a really significant change in my structure. While he likes to promote the idea of loving yourself for just the way you are, I told him that I can still do better. He went on to remind me of what I already know about thoughts, and how if I implant my mind with a new self image, my body will make the necessary adjustments. This of course is done by meditating on the image of my new body, and speaking to my mind of the shape it should be. Sounds simple enough, and of course I gave it a half hearted trial for a few days and then gave upbecause my head was still set on all these programs.

Today however, I have come to the conclusion that there is only one source that is going to change my body, and that?s my mind. This battle needs to be taken to where the real enemy is located. I really feel strongly now that it is my self image that is the source of my weight, and nothing more. I have actively participated in my own sabotage of my dreams to have a slim, slender, and muscular physic. Every time I spoke of my weight, I gave reason and justification to it. My mind agreed with me, and continues to deliver EXACTLY what I have told it to deliver. Yes, one day when I have pealed away from the keyboard and have all that fun I talked about I will certainly lose the weight, JUST like I have told my mind I will. However, there is no reason what so ever that I should not have that today. The only thing stopping me, is me.

So starting today, I am publicly declaring my intentions to go on a mind diet that will change my physical body into a lean and muscular build. This will be done by feeding my mind a regular diet of self image that reflects exactly how I want my body to be.

The process is really quite simple. I will follow the following regiment.

Twice a day (most likely in the morning and evening during my prayers) I will stopfor 5 minutes and get into a relaxed state. I will then visualize my body exactly how I want it to be while repeating these words:

I am slim, slender, lean, and muscular
During that visualization and affirmation, I will also focus on the emotion and how it feels to have my dream body. I will play like a movie in my mind, my life moving forward with this new body, and see how people react to it, and how I react to it. I will hear people giving me compliments on how I have gotten in such great shape. These are some subtle yet powerful differences in what I am doing here compared to what I see many affirmation quotes doing. Your mind focuses on what you tell it. Here is an affirmation that I found from another site as an example:

I will lose weight I am losing weight today and every day

The author notes the 2nd affirmation as being more powerful and effective, but I say both of these are rubbish. The first one first projects a future tense by saying ?I will?. The mind will simply keepprojecting that statement into the future, and you really ?will? keepwanting to lose weight. Your mind works with what it is told. The other affirmation, while it does correctly state the present, it is focusing on the weight, and the loss of it as the goal. Your mind doesn?t understand that. By focusing on the action, you are not affirming the objective. It is necessary to focus your mind on what the objective is, not how you will get there. Leave that to the Divine Intelligence to take care of, He knows better than you, so leave it to Him. By combining slim, slender, lean, and muscular I am giving a description of myself. Some will say, ?Yeah but, that is lying to your self. You know you are not really all that!? Truthfully, I am what I believe I am. Regardless of what the present form may appear, if I believe I am slim slender and muscular, my mind will create the conditions to make that a reality. It?s critical that I believe what I am saying, and accept my understanding that my mind is a fertile soil that can be implanted with new seeds of belief which, when continually nurtured, will grow and replace the weeds in my mind.

These words I selected because they best describe my final objective. I do not want to be a string bean. I like being strong and muscular and that is how my final image would be. At the same time though, I want a low percentage of body fat, maybe around 12-14%. Notice I do not focus on this aspect of my affirmation. I don?t mention anything about ?fat? in my diet. I don?t say anything about how much I weight. These things don?t really matter to the mind and do not support the objective. I keepmy focus on the complete outcome. The visual images I feed my mind will be how my mind can gauge what needs to be done. It doesn?t care about percentages or fat or muscle. It will adjust to whatever is necessary to create that new image. If my new image happens to make me 220lbs of beefcake, then so be it. The pounds really don?t make a difference, it?s the self image from within that is reflected on your body that counts.

This exercise will require consistent effort on my part. I have been conditioned my whole life to believe I should be fat for a number of reasons. By replacing those believes with new ones, I will effectively change that to the reality I want. Pathways that determine my body shape, features, and health have been set for a long time. By delivering these new directives with faith and emotion, the mind will take them in, and carry out its new orders.

Does this mean I will just magically change overnight? Not likely? what will happen is my mind will start to give me new directives in my lifestyle. It will start telling me to stop eating certain things, and start eating other things. The Divine Intelligence knows my body best, and will suffice it with what it needs to take the shape I have requested. I may be directed to new information about training techniques to improve results; I may be compelled to go to the gym two hours a day instead of one as I normally do. Perhaps nothing in my habits will change, but my body chemistry will start producing the enzymes and metabolic / anabolic functions necessary to produce the results I am requesting. It can take shape in many ways, but I leave that to God to determine. All that matters to produce the results I want, is to give my mind the marching orders to execute the change necessary to win the war.

How long will this take? I have no idea. I suppose it will really depend on how quickly my mind takes the new seeds and makes them grow. If I increased the frequency of my meditations I would likely have it happen much faster, for whatever the mind focuses on it brings to pass. I need balance however, and cannot allow this to interfere with other aspects of my life, particularly with my current business commitments. Incorporating this into my already existing prayer time for an extra 10 minutes is something I know I can accomplish with consistency. The frequency is enough that it will impart enough impact in the mind to start taking action.

By posting this for all to see, I have done one of the things essential to success, which is to publicly declare my goals. I now must be not only accountable to myself, but to all those who might read this perhaps several months from now and want to know if this worked or not. I know many of you reading this now WANT to believe, you really wish you could, but you are too jaded and too blinded by the world around you to just let go, and accept the truths that are encapsulated within this post. I urge you to let go of whatever it is in your mind that is holding you back from believing.

The truth of the matter is, this is just one of many dreams I have. It took me years of failure traveling down wrong paths to finally come to this. Perhaps you still need to make those journeys yourself until you come to this as well. I am supremely confident that this will be the end of my diet battles and the beginning of a new life for my body. I have applied the same principles to other aspects of my life with nothing short of miraculous results time and time again.

All you want in life is just a belief away.

Brain Support


Not just A blog about Raw Food Sellers

Raw Food SellersHealthy diet signs

Dietary specialists have noticed that many women, who can be proud of their well set-up figure, do not know that they follow some of healthy eating rules. Let's overview some basic principles that will help to balance your daily eating and may be crucial for weight loss.

We live not for eating, we eat for living

Women, who do not have overweight, usually eat only when they feel hungry and they live an active life. It doesn't mean that you have to spend all your free time in the sport club, it will be enough if you walk more than usually. So, rule nr. 1 - Eat only when you are hungry and don't forget about exercises.

Olive oil instead of margarine or regular butter

It is true that both these products have similar amount of calories, but olive oil has much more nutritives. While margarine and regular butter are full of processed fats which are dangerous for our health. Also, do not forget that cakes, cookies and bagels contain margarine too. Well, rule nr. 2 - Use olive oil.

Do not skip breakfast

Healthy breakfast is a good beginning of a day. It is proved that people, who eat breakfast, get more vitamins and minerals than those, who miss it. Many people do not feel hungry in the morning, because they usually have late dinner, so it is necessary to balance eating habits and eat 3-4 times per day. So, rule nr. 3 - Do not miss breakfast.

NO for snacks

Do not eat nuts or dried fruits instead of normal dinner. Of course, these snacks are healthier than piece of cake or chocolate bar, nevertheless they are not recommended instead of usual dinner. Bear in mind, that dried fruits and nuts are indigestible and have many calories. Hence, rule nr. 4 - eat normal dinner instead of snacks.

These are simple healthy diet rules. Follow them and be proud of your new look!

Use of this article is permitted as long as there are clickable links back to us at: Weight loss
and all credit is given to the author.

About the Author

Special writer for Weight loss

Raw Food Sellers DiscussionSaw Palmetto

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