Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Sunday, May 18, 2008

More Great Health and Wellbeing Resources.

Kong, Kong BV & Kong RH Male Enhancement Supplements Emerge as Top ... - PRWeb

Fri, 02 May 2008 23:19:00 GMT
Kong tablets, Kong Black Voodoo capsules and Kong Redhorn capsules have emerged as market leading consumer products in the globally expanding sexual health dietary supplement ...

Panic Attack Natural Treatments Stop Your Panic Buttons!

Sat, 03 Mar 2007 08:14:51 EST
Panic attack natural treatments are preferred by the health-conscious communities worldwide. Studies in America shows that more than 2 percent of the adult population suffers from panic and anxiety at...

Kong, Kong BV & Kong RH Male Enhancement Supplements Emerge as Top ... - PRWeb

Fri, 02 May 2008 23:19:00 GMT
Kong tablets, Kong Black Voodoo capsules and Kong Redhorn capsules have emerged as market leading consumer products in the globally expanding sexual health dietary supplement ...

Ashwaganda Powder ReviewsEco Friendly Zone

Visit VitaNet Health Foods at VitaNet sells high quality vitamins and herbs at discount prices and name brands like Source Naturals and Enzymatic Therapy. Please link to this site when using this article.
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Eco Friendly Zone

Rio Amazon Pau d'Arco 2500mg 60 capsules
Multifloral Bee Pollen
Polifloral Mixed Bee Pollen
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Dead Sea Spa Magik for health

Dead Sea Spa Magik DiscussionWheatgrass Growing Kits

Not eating breakfast may mean that later in the day you will eat unwisely due to being very hungry. This will make a mess of your weight loss plans.

If you can work fibre, lean protein and fruit into your breakfast, you will be doing yourself a big favour.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kits

Health and WellbeingHealth Savings Acounts - What You Should Know!

Maybe it took the State of The Union address from President
Bush to bring the concept of Health Savings Accounts out
into the open for all to see. Whatever the case, this is an
idea and reality that is long overdue and a great solution
to health insurance for many people. Health savings
accounts, coupled with a companion low-cost high-deductible
health care insurance plan, will take the bite out of
monthly health care costs for many consumers, and provide a
powerful savings component at the same time. Let's look at
the details.

While Congress passed the legislation creating Health
Savings Accounts in 2003, it has taken a while for the word
to get out. In a nutshell, the deal is as follows: Health
savings accounts are tax-free savings accounts, which are
necessarily paired with a high-deductible insurance policy
for catastrophic medical expenses. You are able to put as
much as $5150 (family) or $2600 (individual) annually into
these accounts, which are in turn used to cover normal and
customary medical expenses, like doctor's visits, routine
checkups, etc. Some of the neat things about these accounts,
besides the tax-free part, are that you may carry over
unspent money from year to year, and it does not matter
where you work or for whom. They are completely portable.
Also in most cases, it's very possible to realize large
savings on your yearly insurance and medical expenditures.
When you are in charge of how much you spend and where, the
possibilities are eye-opening. Plus, you are not tied to any
plan's particular doctor or medical group: you are free to
choose whoever you want. Health savings accounts, when set
up properly, can not only save you lots of meony, but also
cannot be cancelled except by you.

Another enticing option regarding health savings account is
the savings aspect. If you have a traditional IRA or 401(k)
you get a deduction for all contribututions made yearly, but
after age 65 all distributions are taxed at both the federal
and state level, including capital gains. (Roth IRA's don't
apply) With a Health savings account you get the same
benefits as with IRA's and 401(k)'s, with the major
difference being that monies withdrawn for qualified medical
expenses are NEVER taxed! Also, with health savings accounts
there is no age restriction on when you may withdraw funds
like there are with the others. As far as using these funds
for retirement purposes, health savings accounts are able to
be withdrawn after age 65 for any purpose, without penalty,
though in this case you would pay income taxes. This looks
even better when you realize that account appreciation on
health savings acounts is tax-free, and look even better for
those who are self-employed, who may write off 100% of
health care premiums. So in effect, you are buying a high-
deductible insurance plan, paying the premiums from your
business, and savings oodles of cash tax-free in your Health
savings account. Of course, should you become sick, you'll
not only have the ability to pay for your care, a major
illness won't be the family-finance disaster it often is
these days. More than 1 million Americans each year end up
in medical bankruptcy becasue of inadequate coverage. Don't
let this happen to you!

Health Savings Accounts are a train long overdue finally
arriving at the station. Make sure to climb onboard!

About the Author

Keith Thompson is the webmaster at
For more information on health savings accounts visit the
site today!

Cosmetics International Cosmetic Products Report - Dead Sea Spa Magik.

Mon, 01 Oct 2001 07:00:00 GMT
October 1, 2001 -- Dead Sea Spa Magik has created the Ultimate Home Spa Experience, says the company, which claims to be the ideal intensive Algimud face and body...

Win! A £200 voucher for natural spa products -

Mon, 12 May 2008 14:52:45 GMT

Win! A £200 voucher for natural spa products, UK - May 12, 2008
Both Spa Find and Dead Sea Spa Magik ranges are paraben-free, which gets our hearts racing. But we're most excited about Dead Sea Spa Magik, whose products ...

Win! A £200 voucher for natural spa products -

Mon, 12 May 2008 14:52:45 GMT

Win! A £200 voucher for natural spa products, UK - May 12, 2008
Both Spa Find and Dead Sea Spa Magik ranges are paraben-free, which gets our hearts racing. But we're most excited about Dead Sea Spa Magik, whose products ...

Independent, The (London) - Shopping: Six of the Best

Sat, 12 Jun 1999 07:00:00 GMT
June 12, 1999 -- Dead Sea Spa Magik Algimud Mask for all skin types, pounds 2.99 (01580 211 055) Deep cleansing Face Formula Oil Free Skin-Balancing Mask, pounds...


Did you hear of Health and Wellbeing

Topics on Ashwaganda PowderBioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs

The gel of Aloe Vera has as many as 75 nutrients, which augur good health, has also turned out to be a very popular remedy for burns and wound. By strengthening the immune system and assisting in healing of wounds, improving skin lesions and healing burns, Aloe Vera has been elevated to the status of a total health benefit product. These properties alone contribute to Aloe's place as one of nature's healthiest products.

Muscle pain and pain in the joints occurring because of arthritis can be alleviated by the application of Aloe Vera gels or sprays. Therefore, people can use gel that is made up of aloe Vera rapidly relieves pain in case of any kinds of burn. Aloe Vera gel not only decreases the pain but also assists to heal the injury fast. Aloe Vera (juice consumed orally) is claimed to alleviate Allergies and Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) is claimed to alleviate Skin Allergies.
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BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs

Multifloral Bee Pollen

In the instance of cancer, instead of addressing the causes of cancer - toxins and a weakened immune system - we see instead treatments that either slash, burn or poison away the tumors and cancer cells, which further weakens an immune system cancer has already defeated and only worsens the conditions that led to cancer to begin with.

Even if initially successful at getting rid of existing cancer cells and tumors, the end result is a weakened body which may have major organ damage and which is more susceptible to the reappearance of the original cancer, as well as other forms of cancer and diseases.

For half a century or more, we have been told that a breakthrough or cure for cancer is just around the corner, yet the death rates for cancer remain virtually unchanged. Meanwhile, effective natural and alternative treatments which address and correct the actual causes of cancer continue to enjoy much greater success than the largely failed mainstream treatments - even as these natural alternatives suppressed and come under increasing attack by the medical establishment.
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Multifloral Bee Pollen

Kong, Kong BV & Kong RH Male Enhancement Supplements Emerge as Top ... - PRWeb

Fri, 02 May 2008 23:19:00 GMT
Kong tablets, Kong Black Voodoo capsules and Kong Redhorn capsules have emerged as market leading consumer products in the globally expanding sexual health dietary supplement ...

La Base del Negocio AGEL ENTERPRISES

Sat, 29 Mar 2008 23:04:19 EDT
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Panic Attack Natural Treatments Stop Your Panic Buttons!

Sat, 03 Mar 2007 08:14:51 EST
Panic attack natural treatments are preferred by the health-conscious communities worldwide. Studies in America shows that more than 2 percent of the adult population suffers from panic and anxiety at...

Superfoods: F - J
P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping
