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Monday, March 10, 2008

Lets talk about natural healing

Health and WellbeingNutritional Supplements Promote a Better Back

Many people believe that one of the answers to back issues is the use of nutritional supplements. They believe that by taking certain daily supplements you can help to relieve a person?s problems and the pain they cause. As a matter of fact the feeling is that nutritional supplements will strength the cartilage as well as a person?s bones. It will diminish inflammation and help to loosen the muscles. As long as you understand that these supplements will not work overnight, they are an answer to back pain that means investing in a long-term solution, then there is not a reason not to try them. As long as you understand that nutritional supplements are for those who have chronic back pain not for those who suffer the occasional pain problem.

Supplements are divided into two groups. One works hard to strengthen different areas in your back and in this way helps to eliminate pain by giving your back a better defense system. The other group is pain relievers. If you have chronic, constant, back pain they can be of use as well. When taking any of these supplements be careful to read the instructions. Some are hard on the stomach and so need to be taken with food, others must be taken on an empty stomach and some cannot be mixed with others. Read the labels and take them exactly as directed if you want them to work for you. Even nutritional products can be detrimental to your health if used wrongly.

Most of the supplements take a few months of use before you will see any improvements at all. If you are going to use a Calcium and Magnesium mix, often sold in one pill, then you should also use Boron. While it?s the job of the Calcium and Magnesium to strengthen bones the Boron will help your body to better absorb the other two. Vitamins C and D as well as Glucosamine Sulfate are for building stronger cartilage, strengthening the bones and helping the muscles. Another supplement to help with muscles strength is S-Adenosylmethionine

The other supplements work to relieve back pain in a variety of ways. Some of them diminish the inflammation. This would include Bromelain, Devil?s Claw, Turmeric, Flax Seed, Boswellia and White Willow Bark. Bromelain is often suggested for use in athletic injuries, following surgery or if the person suffers from any type of arthritis.

Some of these have dual purposes. For example, Devil?s Claw also has the ability to make the effects of medications prescribed by your health care provider work better. Cayenne has the ability to improve blood flow. This is very important as improved blood flow promotes healing. It is taken by mouth for that purpose but it can also be used as a cream to help with the pain of strained muscles. White Willow Bark is a good pain reliever with all the same effects of aspirin without the potential side effects and Niacinamide is used to help promote the healing of cartridge.

Download Your Free Book on Back Pain: Understanding Back Pain

About the Author: Excellent information like this can be found in Peter Conati?s book "Understanding Back Pain". The entire book is temporarily available for FREE & for immediate download at his Back Pain Revealed website. Download your copy while it is still FREE.

?Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved.

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

News on natural healingCandida

The key thing is to keep it loose. Tight fitting aerobic clothing may constrict your ability to move about freely and some can even restrict blood flow. It makes no sense to work out when you do not have access to a full range of motions . You also want to stay well ventilated and you definitely want the blood flowing smoothly.

We all know that black gives you that encouraging slimmer look but black is a must-avoid during summer workouts. Choose some aerobic clothing that is light in color. This reflects the sun away from you instead of attracting more onto you. This is because black color absorbs the sun (and consequently the heat). My best bet is that you want neither of those. If you are too hot and sweaty you may become dizzy and lose strength way too quickly to harvest the full benefits of your routine.
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Hair Growth

3 Popular Supplements That Are a Waste of Money

This might make me a few enemies, but I believe that 99% of supplements and �superfoods� on the market are an absolute waste of money.

It seems like every time you turn your head, someone is offering the latest and greatest �beauty enhancing� or �breakthrough� superfood or supplement.
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Hair Growth


More Great Natural Supplements Resources.

Goji onlineWhy are Omega 3 Supplements So Beneficial To Your Health?

Omega 3 supplements contain fats that, despite popular opinion, are good for you. These fats are polyunsaturated and provide your cells with critical nutrients used to build vital proteins and other substances. They are just as necessary as vitamins, but you?re more likely to not get enough of these important compounds. Years ago, researchers discovered that young children who don?t get adequate omega 3 fatty acids (FAs) do not grow properly.

There are three FAs to look for in the best omega 3 fatty acid supplements: alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA; eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA; and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. Although all three are beneficial, ALA is actually converted to the two others within the body, so a supplement with both EPA and DHA is ideal. Fish oil is the only one that contains these two important omega 3 FAs.

Omega 3 supplements, because of their actions on your body, can have the following beneficial effects:

? Promote cardiovascular and brain health

? Convert into prostaglandins, short-lived substances with a variety of critical health effects

? Provide certain anti-inflammatory effects by boosting leukotrienes

A related fat, omega 6, is also important, but when too much is taken it tends to cause inflammation instead of reversing it. For this reason, most doctors recommend more omega 3 fats and fewer omega 6.

Why You Should Consider Taking Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements

The USFDA and different medical organizations have stated that the EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acid supplements may reduce risk of coronary heart disease, with hardly any side effects reported. Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have been shown to benefit by taking omega 3 supplements, in some studies having positive results equal to taking NSAIDs like aspirin.

Higher levels of omega 3 fats also have been shown to decrease the level of LDL cholesterol, the bad stuff. The ALA version of omega 3s in particular has been shown to lower overall cholesterol and triglycerides.

Newer treatments using omega 3 pills include the following:

? Supplements for autistic children may improve many different aspects of this syndrome, though there have been no good scientific studies, only case studies

? Pregnant women consuming omega 3 in fish or fish oil supplements have a much lower chance of low birth weight in their babies

? There is some evidence that omega 3 enhances brain function and may improve symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and Huntington?s disease

Possible, but unlikely, risks of taking omega 3 supplements include increased bleeding and stroke if you take high doses; poor glycemic control in diabetic users; and immune system repression. As with any supplement, vitamin, mineral, or pill, you should only use omega 3 fatty acid supplements if you have spoken with a doctor first. Additionally, omega 3 pills derived from fish oils (not fish liver oil) are less likely to cause complications such as vitamin poisoning when you take omega 3 in combination with multivitamins.

It is especially important for people with congestive heart failure and other heart blood-flow issues to talk to their doctors before taking any omega 3 pills or even foods containing high levels of omega 3 fats. It is possible, in these patients, for omega 3 to increase risk of cardiac death.

The National Institute of Health recommends that our daily intake of omega 3 fats should include 650 mg each of EPA and DHA, 2.22 g/day of a-linolenic acid, and 4.44 g/day of linoleic acid. Additionally, supplements based on fish oil, while they tend to be better than other omega 3 supplements, should be purchased from companies in countries regulated under the standards of the World Health Organization (such as the United States and Europe), as fish oils can be contaminated with mercury and other heavy metals.

Scott LeRoy has been studying prescription and OTC medications as well as natural remedies for over a dozen years. He is a regular contributor to Nutritional Supplements, a section of dedicated to conventional and alternative health options.


Did you hear of Natural Remedies

Natural RemediesOptimism and Your Heart: How Being Happy Can Protect You Against Heart Disease

Optimism and Your Heart: How Being Happy Can Protect You Against Heart Disease

 by: Lucy MacDonald

Take a few seconds to close your eyes and imagine that you are putting a slice of lemon into your mouth and chewing on it. Did your mouth water? This is just one example of how the mind can affect the body - simply thinking about something can trigger a physical reaction. If your body reacts just thinking about chomping on a lemon imagine what happens when you experience chronic, negative emotions. Its time for a heart to heart. Did you know that anger can increase a man's risk of coronary heart disease? Specifically, full-blown, outward and uncontrollable expressions of anger, aka "losing it" put men at risk.

If you are a woman, you don't get off the heart hook. The risk for women is more subtle, indirect expression of antagonism. Hostility, defined as an attitude of ill will and a negative evaluation of people and events is another set of emotions that puts us at risk for heart disease.

Pessimism is also associated with heart health. People who constantly blame themselves for the things that go wrong and believe that nothing good will come their way are more likely to develop heart disease that people with a positive attitude. The mind set of pessimism is linked with higher levels of anger, anxiety and depression which are other risk factors implicated in heart disease.

Take heart! There is good news. Positive emotions like optimism may be a psychological vaccination against heart disease. Studies show that optimistic men were half as likely as pessimistic men to develop heart disease. Now thats a lottery with good odds!

Developing a positive attitude does not mean that you can forsake all of the other methods of staying heart healthy: nutrition, exercise, no smoking you know the drill.

The other piece of good news is that optimism can be learned and you can have a change of heart. It is a matter of replacing your negative thoughts and evaluations with positive ones. Start by choosing a chronic negative thought that runs around like a manic hamster in your head. First write down that negative thought and then write down the opposite. Learn your positive thought by heart and repeat it over and over. Dont worry about not believing what you are saying. Just focus on the positive thought and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I trust that you will take to heart that being optimistic is good for you. Wishing you an optimistic attitude and a healthy heart.

About The Author

Lucy MacDonald, M.Ed., is the Canadian author of the positive thinking, self-help book, Learn to be an Optimist. Lucy publishes a free newsletter, Positive Perspectives, designed to help you gain and maintain a positive attitude. Visit Lucys site at for the optimism quotes and self-improvement articles.
