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Saturday, September 06, 2008

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FLOUR POWER - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Thu, 04 Sep 2008 16:26:00 GMT
Reds? Whites? Neither, at least for a while FOOD EVENTS LOCAL TASTINGS Five gadgets that earn a spot in the kitchen LIGHT-SPICED AND PICKLED SUMMER CARROTS Minnesota’s front-and ...

Holistic RemedyThe Shih Tzu: Common Health Issues

Although disease affects all different breeds of dog, certain breeds are more prone to certain ailments than others, due to their particular anatomical structure, genetic make-up, or other factors. In this article, we will briefly describe some of the most common ailments that affect the Shih Tzu.

Eyes and Ears: Because of the anatomical structure of the Shih Tzu?s head, their eyes are especially vulnerable to being injured. This can be caused by collisions with foreign objects, encounters with other animals, rough play, etc. Eye injuries are probably the most avoidable of all ailments that affect the Shih Tzu and can be prevented to a large degree by providing a safe environment for the dog to play in, with special care taken to removal of potentially injurious objects. Shih Tzu should always be supervised when interacting with other animals and should discouraged from rough play. Another important preventive measure is to keep the eyes and eye area as clean as possible. Avoid allowing crustiness or dirt to accumulate. When grooming, it is recommended that the hair covering the eye area be left at a reasonable length as it protects the eyes from dirt and debris.

A genetically linked disease that often affects the Shih Tzu is Progressive Retinal Atrophy, or PRA. PRA is basically the de generation of the retina and retinal tissue over time and can lead to blindness at an early age. If a dog is suspected of having PRA, veterinary care should be provided. As PRA is an inheritable disease, dogs that suffer from the affliction should not be bred.

Shih Tzu are also very susceptible to ear infections. Ear infections are generally not serious and can be treated easily by a veterinarian. Some preventive methods include keeping the inside of the ears immaculately clean and free of hair and other debris.

Bones, Joints, and Internal Organs: Another genetically linked disease that affects ShihTzu is Hip Dysplasia. Hip Dysplasia is a degenerative disease that affects the function of the ball-and-socket joint of the hip. This can be an extremely debilitating disease and cannot always be corrected by surgery. Dogs suffering from Hip Dysplasia should not be bred.

Renal Dysplasia is an inherited disease that affects normal kidney function which, in turn, affects the overall health of the dog. Although Renal Dysplasia is more prevalent in older dogs, it can also affect young puppies and in some cases, can be fatal. Dog with Renal Dysplasia should not be part of any breeding program.

Other Concerns: Just as in humans, some Shih Tzu suffer from abnormal thyroid function. This can be treated with medication prescribed by a veterinarian, although the dog may have need of the medication for the entirety of their lives.

Shih Tzu also seem to be prone to certain types of allergies including food allergies, flea allergies, and hypersensitivity to environmental substances. This can lead to any number of secondary ailments, such as irritated skin, hair loss, and overall poor health. Allergy testing can be performed by a veterinarian and can be treated with medication.

About the Author: Learn all about Dogs and Puppies on Don Krnel's site

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Holistic HealingDogs - Setting Up The Proper Diet

Proper Diet for Your Dog

The dietary regimen is an important aspect of survival. The objective of dietary management is to meet the basic nutritional requirements of the individual with proper proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in a well-balanced diet that will promote optimal body weight.

Generally, these dietary regimens are employed to human beings. However, with the growing fondness to dogs, most dog owners and veterinarians recommend that dietary regimen should likewise be implemented on dogs.

Like humans, dogs need the right combination of the basic food groups in order to have a healthy life span. Dogs also need to be regulated on the kinds of food that they eat or else they could end up being obese as well.

Included in the dog's dietary regimen are the proper minerals and vitamins. These essential health items should be well incorporated into the dog's daily needs in order to have a healthy body.

With proper minerals and vitamins, dogs will be able to maintain shiny, healthy-looking coat.

So, for people who want to know how to prepare the right diet for their dogs, here are some tips to guide them through:

1. Meat should not be the only food incorporated in the dog's diet.

In reality, dogs are carnivorous. The dog's body is especially designed to generate growth and energy from meat products. However, dogs need fiber too to help them digest their foods properly and carbohydrates to provide them the added energy that they need.

So, it would be better if dog owners will feed their dogs every day with the usual dog foods available in the market and give them occasionally real foods where meat, fibers, and carbohydrates are present.

2. Dogs need minerals and vitamins.

Like humans, dogs need complex combinations of minerals and vitamins. These are needed to maintain the luster and shine in their coats and to provide them with healthy gums and teeth.

Lack of minerals and vitamins supplement will result to deficiencies of certain types that could be really difficult to deal with, such as extra dry or super oily skin, tummy problems, frail bones, low-weight, and worst cases are death.

Like humans, these dietary supplements are needed to give the dogs the extra needed nutrients in order to keep them healthy.

3. Real meal treats

Contrary to most popular beliefs, dogs love the real food more than their typical dog foods. Hence, whenever their owners give them real food, they would consider them as treats.

4. Mixed foods

Most people tend to think that deciding whether to give dogs moist or dry foods is a matter of preference. In reality, it is not. This is because mixing different kinds of foods is actually the best diet owners could give to their dogs.

Giving dogs a variety of foods, nutritional value, and texture is the real diet your dog really needs.

5. Dogs need greens.

A well-balanced diet for the dogs includes green leafy vegetables. Even if dogs are carnivorous by nature, they also need the right amount of greens to provide them with additional nutrients that are only available in green leafy foods.

No wonder why you occasionally see a dog chew on grass. This goes to show that dogs really need some greens to provide their body with a well balanced diet.

There are no hard or fast rules when it comes to balanced diets for dog. However, it is still important to note the needed food groups that should be incorporated in the dog's diet.

Dog owners should always consult their dog's veterinarians especially on things like health and diet supplements for their dogs. The veterinarian knows what foods should be included in the dog's meal and what foods should be avoided.

Dogs, like humans, should not be fed with junk foods like sugary sweet sodas. These will only make them fat without the needed nutrients.

Whenever something about your dog seems abnormal, consult your veterinarian. As they say, veterinarians know best when it comes to the dog's care.

About the Author

Jay is the web owner of Dog Training Tips, a website that provides information and resources on dog training, puppy training, and more. You can also visit his website at: Pet Mall for pet supplies.

Ecozone DiscussionNaturally Green Blog - Bee Pollen

� Sugar feeds cancer.

And so, when we go to an oncologist and are diagnosed with cancer what is the prescribed treatment? Does it incorporate ANY of the above elements? No, sadly it does not. Our doctor prescribes what he or she has been taught: cut out, radiate or poison the symptom and do nothing to address the underlying causes and natural imbalances that enabled led to the symptom.

As a result, the way is paved for the return of the cancer or the introduction of another cancer or serious condition. Even worse, the road to further illness is often made easier due to the damage to the immune system and major organs caused by the treatment of the symptom.
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EcozoneKosciusko facing boating curbs - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

Wed, 20 Aug 2008 10:03:36 GMT

Kosciusko facing boating curbs
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Aug 20, 2008
The Natural Resources Commission has already given preliminary approval to the ecozone proposal, according to Tom Flatt, aquatic habitat coordinator for the ...

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