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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

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Ecozone TumbleDryer BallsStarting A Diet The Right Way

If you?re just starting out on a diet for the first time, there are certain things you should know in order to ensure that you not only get the best results from your diet but also that you maintain your health during the process.

One of the first things you should do, ideally before you even start on a diet, is to see your family physician. This is especially true if you have not had a check-up within the last year or if you experience any type of health condition such as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure/cholesterol. Taking the time to discuss your diet plans with your physician can help you to ensure that you stay healthy while dieting.

You should also make a point to determine your exact goals when embarking on a weight loss program. Ask yourself how much weight you want to lose and whether the time frame you have set for yourself is realistic. Remember that your diet plans won?t be very beneficial if you find that you are not able to stick with them because your goals are unrealistic. It is far better to plan to lose a smaller amount of weight within a reasonable amount of time.

In order for your diet plans to be effective, you will need to face the reality that some changes will need to be made within your life. Facing these facts upfront can help your diet be more successful and help you to feel better about yourself during the process. Make plans now to engage in a regular fitness routine at least two to three times per week and switch from high calorie foods to healthier, lower calorie low fat foods. Portion control is a great way to knock off a few pounds, but if you want to make changes that will last a lifetime; plan to change the way you eat as well as how much you eat.

Take the time to study the many different types of available and choose one that you will be able to stick with for longer than a week. Ideally, the best weight loss programs involve eating habits that you can stick with for life. Steer away from fad diets or diets that will be impossible to live with, as constant diet changes and yo-yo dieting can do far more damage than good.

Many people find that the success level of their diet directly correlates to the amount of support present within their lives. When you begin your diet, sit down with your friends and family members and explain your plans and goals to them. Explain how they can help you to reach your goals. Consider asking a friend or co-worker to serve as a weight loss buddy who can help you to stick to your goals, even when the going gets tough. This will be especially important when you run into situations in which you might be tempted to give into emotional eating, one of the number one reasons why people binge on their diets.

By taking a sensible approach to your diet plans, you can be sure to reach your weight loss goals safely and successfully.

About the Author:

Joey Dweck is the Founder & CEO of a website committed to 24/7 support, expert advice, and helping people find a buddy(s) who will support their effort to lose weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. And it's all Free. Sign up for the Free 4-Part E-Course ?Losing For Good?

Ecozone TumbleDryer Balls DiscussionLiquorice

Dumping syndrome is a huge risk connected with this weight loss surgery. This occurs when food is broken down too rapidly when moving to the small intestine. If a patient who has this weight loss surgery overeats, he or she may vomit, feel nausea, or have diarrhea.
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Rose Hips

A healthy diet should consist of 75-80% alkaline foods and 20-25% acidic foods. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale which means it generally takes 20 parts alkalinity to balance 1 part acid. There are different degrees of alkalinity and acidity so this number may fluctuate slightly. However, using a cup of coffee as an example, we would need 20 cups of i.e. alkaline water to neutralize the acid created by the coffee. The chart below details alkaline and acidic foods.

Note: A foods acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself i.e. lemons are very acidic however are alkaline forming in the body.

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