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Friday, October 03, 2008

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Organic Barley GrassThe Best Acne Treatment - Good Nutrition

Most of us have suffered from acne at one time or another beginning in early puberty. Its medical name is "acne vulgaris" and indeed, many of us feel that it is absolutely vulgar.

For some, it is severe enough to require medical intervention by a dermatologist. For most people, though, acne is a relatively mild condition that can be controlled with a healthy diet, as well as basic good hygiene practices and keeping your face clean.

Most teenagers suffering from acne will find that limiting certain foods, or completely illiminating them from their diet, will help a lot in getting rid of acne.

Sugar and other refined carbohydrates

Experts suggest avoiding refined carbohydrates, such as white flour, and especially sugar. This includes high amounts of fruit juices, although whole fruits should be consumed.

Sugared sodas especially should be avoided. These are often overlooked as major sources of sugar, since they are drunk rather than eaten.

For a natural non-caloric sugar substitute that has no aftertaste, try stevia liquid, available at most health food stores or online. It is purported to be 600 times sweeter than sugar, so a little goes a very long way.

Switch from white flour and refined foods such as white rice to whole wheat breads and brown rice. Make sure to read labels and look for the words "100% whole wheat" or "100% whole grain." Carbohydrate foods low on the glycemic index are best to control acne breakouts, so foods such as white potatoes should also be avoided.

High amounts of fats, including "good" fats

There's a lot of talk these days on "good" versus "bad" fats. Indeed, "good" fats such as polyunsaturated and unsaturated oils like canola or olive oil, the fruit of the avocado and nuts are "good" for you in small amounts, while hydrogenated oils and trans fats should be avoided altogether. But if you have acne, you should be especially careful to limit your fat intake, even good fat intake.

Dietary fat from any source can increase the sebum production of the skin, leading to acne breakouts. Peanuts and peanut butter especially should be avoided or greatly curtailed. However, fish oil supplements or eating fish a few times a week will help acne breakouts, as these are beneficial to skin health.

Dairy products

Unfortunately, that bowl of ice cream you enjoy as a snack every night not only probably has sugar in it, an acne no-no, but dairy also contains hormones such as progesterone, which can lead to acne breakouts, as can the iodine in dairy.

It has been shown that the fat content of the dairy does not seem to effect its promotion of acne breakouts, so substituting skim products for full-fat products will not help. Using soymilk instead of regular milk and other soy products such as cheese will help control breakouts.

Incidentally, it's unclear whether chocolate itself, commonly thought of as an acne trigger, actually causes acne. However, most chocolate consumed also contains high amounts of refined sugar, which is an acne trigger.

Reducing or eliminating the foods noted above, along with good hygiene, will greatly reduce or even eliminate acne breakouts, along with other good habits such as ample consumption of fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water and getting enough exercise. Bon app?tit!

Carol Stack has written numerous articles on health and related subjects. She lives in the United States with her husband, three children, and various dogs and cats. Carol and her sister Barbara have combined forces to produce a website that focuses on healthy recipes and nutrition. You can visit it at:

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Increase LibidoNutritional Supplements for Acne

Treatments for severe acne usually involve regulating the hormones and increasing the intake of specific vitamins and minerals. While these can be obtained from food sources, nutritional supplements for acne help boost treatments and provide faster results. They also nourish the skin and decrease inflammation and infection. People with healthy skin can also use them for maintenance and prevention, especially if they are prone to outbreaks.

However, not all supplements will work for everyone. It is important to know what each supplement contains, in what amounts, and what effect it will have on your skin. Generally, nutritional supplements for acne should contain the following:

Vitamin A. Vitamin A the skin heals faster and improves skin quality. It can be taken anywhere within the treatment period, as well as afterwards to prevent future outbreaks. The recommended dose is about 25,000 units twice a day. It is commonly found in fish oils, so eat about two to three servings of oily fish every week.

Zinc and copper. Commonly found in skin ointments and balms, zinc speeds up the healing of skin tissue and minimizes scarring. It also acts as a barrier against germs and bacteria to prevent inflammation and infection. Zinc supplements are often combined with copper, because pure zinc tends to lower copper levels in the body. Take 50 mg of zinc with 5 mg of copper everyday. Do not exceed 100 mg of zinc per day, as this can be toxic in large amounts.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids are also commonly found in fish oils. Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen the cell membranes to help them better absorb nutrients. They also prevent bacterial infection and inflammation. Most nutritional supplements for acne contain omega-3 in small amounts, but cod liver oil is one of the best sources. The usual dose is one tablespoon per day. You can also take concentrated fish capsules containing 1,500 mg of EPA daily.

Acidophilus. This is a type of bacteria that helps promote proper digestion. It naturally occurs in the intestinal tract, but it is easily destroyed by digestive acids and normal intestinal contractions. If you have persistent skin problems, take regular supplements of acidophilus.

Digestive enzymes. Digestive or pancreatic enzymes help break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. This helps minimize skin oiliness. If you have extremely oily skin, take regular nutritional supplements for acne containing amylase, lipase, and protease.

REMEMBER: Some nutritional supplements for acne claim to provide a complete cure, but they are still best combined with proper diet and skin care. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and limit your intake of fatty foods like meat and chocolate.

Also, some supplements contain additives that can be harmful to your skin and your overall health. To avoid these additives, make sure that the manufacturer you are buying from is pharmaceutical GMP compliant.

The product we personally use called Total Balance - is the best supplement we have come across. We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results.

We highly reccomend you learn more about our best natural nutritional supplement if you are interested in improving your overall health.

Jean Helmet runs a series of health websites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.

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Natural RemedyVitamins: The Real Nutrition Supplement

Do you take vitamins for improved health? Nutrition supplements are a good way to help you to balance your nutrition intake. There are many of these products on the market that can be well worth purchasing. If you are looking for a way to get more quality nutrients into your body, then considering doing so with the help of supplements. There are a number of reasons why you need to take a good vitamin or supplement daily.

The first reason is the most simple. Diets today do not have enough nutrients in them. Most people just do not get the right levels of nutrients to balance their diets and to provide them with the health they need. Those on diets don?t sit down and balance their diet so that they can get the most out of their diet plan. They only eat what's recommended to them. For that reason, adding a vitamin to your diet is almost a requirement to having a healthy diet.

Supplements are also ideal for adding in extra nutrients where they are most needed. For example, you may be looking for a way to lose weight. Giving your body the necessary nutrients it needs to make that happen is essentially difficult to do when it comes from the foods you eat. But, you can do that with supplements. In women, a common type of extra supplement is that which adds more calcium to their bones which in turn helps to fight off osteoporosis.

By taking the time to add nutrition to your diet through the help of vitamins and supplements, you really can find benefits to your health. Since most people are so busy, this is a great way to find the healthy nutrients you need without having to monitor everything you put into your body, through the help of your diet.

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