Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Have you heard of Health Food

Health officials checking food (The Cincinnati Enquirer)

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 09:32:28 GMT
Inspectors from local health departments are checking restaurants, supermarkets and other food service operators.

Malaysia Seeks To Leverage USD 5.52 Billion Food Services Market ... - Middle East Events (press release)

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:21:02 GMT

Malaysia Seeks To Leverage USD 5.52 Billion Food Services Market ...
Middle East Events (press release), United Arab Emirates - 13 hours ago
... especially our Halal-based health food items, which are gaining widespread popularity amidst the current trend for health and fitness products. ...

Pinoy Kasi Wraps and rolls -

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 21:14:31 GMT

Pinoy Kasi Wraps and rolls, Philippines - 2 hours ago
New Age health food restaurants will urge you on with sesame seeds, “tauge” (mungbean sprouts), cilantro (“wansoy”), lime juice. Anything goes here. ...

Dog Health Insurance for Your Pet

Sun, 14 Sep 2008 10:48:10 EDT
Pet health insurance coverage is not a brand new concept.

You love your dog, he's more then a pet, he's a valued member of your family and probably your best friend. But health insurance? You...

HolisticSafe Weight Reduction Healthy Heart Tips

A heart-healthy diet means a diet that's low in fat,
cholesterol, and salt, and high in fruits, vegetables,
grains, and fiber. That doesn't mean that you can never have
pizza or ice cream again. You could start by telling
yourself that you will eat a big leafy green salad first,
and then you will have one slice of cheese pizza, not three
slices with sausage. Or if you must have a burger, don't get
your usual order of french fries. That alone cuts hundreds
of calories.

Experts point out that a heart-healthy diet should be the
routine. That way, when you have high-fat food every now and
then, you're still on track. Making a high-fat diet the
routine is asking for trouble. With that in mind, here are
some simple substitutions you can make for safe weight
reduction, and a healthy heart

INSTEAD OF USING whole or 2 percent milk and cream

USE 1 percent or skim milk

INSTEAD OF USING fried foods

USE baked, steamed, boiled,
broiled, or microwaved foods

INSTEAD OF USING lard, butter, palm and coconut oils

COOK with unsaturated vegetable oils such as corn, olive,
canola, safflower, sesame, soybean, sunflower, or peanut

INSTEAD OF USING fatty cuts of meat

EAT lean cuts of meat
or cut off the fatty parts

INSTEAD OF USING one whole egg in recipes

USE two egg whites

INSTEAD OF USING sauces, butter, and salt

SEASON vegetables with herbs and spices

INSTEAD OF USING regular hard and processed cheeses

EAT low-fat, low-sodium cheeses

INSTEAD OF USING salted potato chips

CHOOSE low-fat,
unsalted tortilla and potato chips and unsalted pretzels and

INSTEAD OF USING sour cream and mayonnaise

USE plain low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, or low-fat
or "light" sour cream

Try these simple substitutions and watch the pounds come
off. Remember, some times simple is best!

Steve Polk writes and produces articles for those looking for a safe weight reduction program.
For more ideas on safe weight reduction visit:

