Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Recent information on Organic Barley Grass

AP/Larry Crowe - Killeen Daily Herald

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 00:54:00 GMT
DUBLIN, Ireland – Meat, potatoes and vegetables. It's the quintessential trio for the quintessential Irish dish – Irish stew. But don't be fooled by the one-pot simplicity ...


Recent information on Bentonite Clay

New Product for Repair and Sealing of Penetrations to a Certified ... - PR Urgent

Wed, 18 Jun 2008 22:21:39 GMT

New Product for Repair and Sealing of Penetrations to a Certified ...
PR Urgent - Jun 18, 2008
•Formulations of the product are comprised of sodium bentonite clay, and the low-permeability (10-9 cm/s) and resiliency, or re-sealing ability, ...

Seeing the light from atop a mulch pile - Vail Daily News

Sun, 25 May 2008 19:09:06 GMT

Seeing the light from atop a mulch pile
Vail Daily News, CO - May 25, 2008
Clay is used to line the bottom of ponds to keep water from leaking out. In constructing below-ground structures, very fine clay — known as bentonite clay ...


Recent information on Liquorice Root

Natural Steps for Constipation (check the Evidence rating) - Health 24

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:36:00 GMT
*** Good Evidence of a health benefit. ** Some Evidence of a health benefit. * Traditionally used with only anecdotal evidence. Consultation with your health professional is ...

Barley Grass Powder
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