Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Friday, May 30, 2008

Not just A blog about Raw Food Websites

Reviews of Raw Food WebsitesCertified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250

5. Reduce your intake of alcohol.
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Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250

Eco Energy Conserving Kettle 1.5ltr Capacity
The BIG Book of Juices & Smoothies - Natalie Savona
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A blog about Goji Berrys

Goji BerrysRecent information on Maca Flour

Mon, 26 May 2008 06:51:01 EDT
89 Dead Sea Spa Baby-Soft Body Santa Sack Premium quality goji berries | Gojis | Goji Berrys | Goji Berries | Goji...

Grocer - Goji berries: the new superfood.(Brief article)

Sat, 22 Jul 2006 07:00:00 GMT
July 22, 2006 -- Move over blueberries and cranberries, a new fruit is set to become the latest superfood. Tibetan goji berries look like red raisins and taste...

Trends Point The Way To Goji Berries, Gluten-Free Comestibles - MediaPost Publications

Thu, 08 May 2008 09:03:14 GMT

MediaPost Publications

Trends Point The Way To Goji Berries, Gluten-Free Comestibles
MediaPost Publications, New York - May 8, 2008
Among emerging trends: Goji berries, non-functional foods (additives one sees only on the label) and the above-mentioned gluten-free SKUs (restaurants like ...

Goji Berrys TopicsDigestive and Bowel Health

Research studies in a dozen different countries over the course of the past twenty years have suggested that the Mediterranean diet is effective at lowering the incidence of hypertension in men and women. Because the Mediterranean diet is high if fruit, vegetables and whole grains and because the diet is low in saturated fats, most nutritionists and other experts believe that the dietary scheme works to lower hypertension in both men and women.
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Digestive and Bowel Health


Health and Wellbeing article

Health and WellbeingKey To Success: Health

"Mens sana in corpore sano."

-- Juvenal

I am not trying to say that "success" cannot exist without good health, but I believe the two can complement each other, and health can significantly contribute to success. After all, what better example of health NOT relating to success than the noted British mathematician Stephen Hawking. If you are not familiar with Hawking, he has long been severely disabled byamyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS (commonly known in the United States as Lou Gehrig's disease). His quadrapelagic condition, confinement to a wheel chair, and loss of the ability to speak could certainly have stood in the way of his attaining international recognition for his work, but in spite of this "health related" obstacle, he HAS produced a prodigious and internationally respected body of work.

Fortunately, most of us will never have to cope with Mr. Hawking's obstacles and, at the very least, after viewing his troubles; we should stop thinking so hard about our own.

However, OUR health can be an obstacle to success, and, having attained success, can be an obstacle to the enjoyment of the fruits of our labors.

The quote at the top of this page translates to "A sound mind in a sound body." It seems to me that this is a good philosophy to attach to the pursuit of success. We see examples almost every day of those who have "made it to the top" in their particular field, but we see many lose their lives to drugs, die before their time of health related conditions which could have been prevented or at least reduced in severity, or simply let age and infirmity gradually push them off the stage of life.

As humans, however, we sometimes tend to have difficulty viewing what "might" happen in some distant future as important enough to make significant changes in our current lifestyles and attitudes. While also difficult, it is a little easier to realize that changing the way in which we live and act CAN influence our daily path towards success.

The effects of good health can be simple, direct, and easily understood, or they may be a bit less obvious and their contributions less visible.

For example: If you are in poor health and physical condition, you may lack the energy necessary to strive towards your goal. You may be psychologically challenged simply because of the mental conditions which may exist when your health is below average and your physical condition low. If you begin an exercise program, in a relatively short time, you should notice an increase in energy and an elevation of spirit.

Less obvious would be some of the ancillary results which often accompany improved physical fitness. I noticed that my eyesight actually improved, my digestion became more efficient, and I slept better, just to name a few results. Being better able to sleep, to take one possible result, could translate into more energy, less stress, and more alertness. Now wouldn't those contribute to success?

Other results of improving physical fitness may include, as mentioned above, an elevation of spirit. Many a person has turned off the pathway to success simply because they convinced themselves that "it couldn't be done". When your attitude becomes more positive through exercise or winning the lottery, it is harder for those types of thoughts to push you off your path to success. In fact, many people beginning an exercise program have noticed a psychological lift simply from knowing that they have take taken control of some portion of their life. One added benefit of success in an exercise or health improvement program, by the way, is the realization that you CAN succeed. Success in one area of life often leads to success in other areas.

Finally, to return to an earlier point, you will be healthier, happier, and better able to enjoy the results of your success if you make your physical health and fitness one of the keys to your success.

"Deos fortioribus adesse."

The gods are on the side of the stronger.


Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer and a University Of West Florida alumnus (1973) with a BA in accounting and a keen interest in health, self improvement, happiness, and success. He is also a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions over the years. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. Get more insights on self improvement at .

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