Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Did you hear of Natural Remedies

Kola Nuts NewsWheatgrass - Organic Wheatgrass Powder.

Second we should be looking for a plan from a known insurance company name. There are a lot of large well established insurance companies that you might never hear of. Reasons for staying with a large well known insurance company are that you know they will pay your bills and not going to disappear. The other reason is that chances are most doctors will accept the insurance plan that they offer. I would definitely stay away from 99.9% of Association plans and small insurance companies with less than 10 billion in Assets. You can find that our by going to To date largest insurance company that provides Health Insurance is Fortis and their health insurance plans are called �Assurant Health� ( Largest health insurance provider in the United States is Wellpoint ( serving approximately 34 million members nationwide. We all know them as Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Keep in mind that in some states Blue Cross and Blue Shield are owned by two completely different insurance companies.

Third we will be looking at the deductibles. There is a huge misconception with how deductibles work. The number one misconception with deductibles is that nothing is covered by the insurance company until this large deductible is met. The reality is that most plans cover most of the things before the deductible is met with small co-pay. In most cases deductible applies only for inpatient and out-patient hospital (surgeries, emergency room). Second misconception is that once deductible is met everything is covered 100% or in case of hospital stay all we will be responsible is the deductible. Although some plans do work that way, most health plans do not. Majority of health plans you are still responsible for, what�s called co-insurance. That meant that you are still paying percentage of the bill usually 30% up to you �Maximum out of Pocket� as me mentioned earlier. That is why �Maximum out of Pocket� is more important that the deductible. For example if you have a plan with a 2500 deductible and 30% hospital co-insurance, then you are responsible for 2500 plus 30% up to �Maximum out of Pocket�. There are some plan today available that have no deductible and they are relatively inexpensive. Chances are those are the plans that have high �Maximum out of Pocket� in most cases over 7500 per person. In case of a family of four in worst case scenario you could be responsible for $30,000. If there is no deductible it does not meat that everything is covered at 100%. The way plans with no deductible work is by having you pay a percentage of the bill starting with the first dollar. Percentage could range anywhere from 30% to 50%, again up to your �Maximum out of Pocket� amount. The larger deductible you choose the lower monthly premium you will pay. My recommendation will be that you choose deductibles over 2500 unless you are planning on being admitted to the hospital often.
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Wheatgrass - Organic Wheatgrass Powder.

Dead Sea Magik

An autoimmune disorder is from a breakdown in cellular communication. When an animal or person has an autoimmune disorder, it simply means that their own cells fail to recognize their cells as "self". Of course, this is not normal, and results in an immune response against their own cells.
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Dead Sea Magik

Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Jim Kennard is the president of the Food for everyone foundation and a principal author for the organic gardening website
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Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Kola NutsSeattle-based Zevia selling all-natural, zero-calorie drink - Seattle Post Intelligencer

Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:18:51 GMT

Seattle-based Zevia selling all-natural, zero-calorie drink
Seattle Post Intelligencer - Aug 27, 2008
Zevia's Cola has 45 milligrams of caffeine -- comparable to a can of Diet Coke. In the race to put an all-natural, zero-calorie soft drink on the market, ...

Business Wire - Science Meets Muscle with Prolab's Newly Launched Beta Alanine Extreme

Wed, 05 Dec 2007 08:00:00 GMT
December 5, 2007 -- Prolab Also Launches An All-Natural Caffeine Supplement, Advanced CaffeineTM], For Energy, Endurance, And Calorie Burning CHATSWORTH, Calif. --...

Acai Powder - Freezed Dried Acai
| | |


Holistic Healing article

Our thoughts on Raw FoodOrganic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

With all the home improvement happening by do it yourselfers in smaller communities, it would appear that this is the arena in which companies offering materials and services geared toward home improvement, would do the majority of their advertising.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

Eco Friendly Zone

4. Lower your Dairy! Eating dairy foods will often produce a foul odor!
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Eco Friendly Zone


Libido Boosters for health

Our thoughts on Libido BoostersFreeplay Rechargeable Radios

The most important meal is the one immediately following your workout. You should look to get between 25-50% of your daily carbohydrate intake. And the amount of carbs needed during a post workout meal varies between people. Guy Grundy says, �My favorite is egg whites, flank steak, and three blueberry and banana multigrain pancakes.�
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Freeplay Rechargeable Radios

Alarm Clock and Light Therapy Pad

If the patch is placed correctly and consistently, it is effective for more than 99%. But if a girl weighs more than 90 Kilograms, it is less effective in preventing pregnancy.
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Alarm Clock and Light Therapy Pad

Naturally Green Blog - Bee Pollen

Bread & Cereal:
1/2 cup of dried or 1 cup of cooked pasta/noodles
1/2 cup cooked rice or 1/4 cup of dry rice
1 thick slice of bread or 1/2 a bagel or large roll
1/2cup of cooked beans/lentils
1 cup of flake type bekkie cereal
1/2 cup oats or muesli
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Naturally Green Blog - Bee Pollen