Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Sunday, April 20, 2008

General Health article

General HealthBrosia Bee Pollen - How Can It Benefit You?

Ambrosia in ancient Greek means literally the food or drink of the gods. It is with this that we understand the connection between brosia bee pollen and the health benefits that it has provided dating back through centuries to the very lost civilizations. Bee pollen contains every nutrient known to man that are an essential role in sustaining human health.

History and Brosia Bee Pollen

The ancient Egyptians left us clues in their ancient scrolls that made numerous references to brosia bee pollen. Similarly, the ancient Chinese also left us proof to the value of brosia bee pollen in their society. Even the bible and many other religious writings speak of brosia bee pollen and as a matter of fact, the bible even praises mankind for consuming brosia bee pollen.

We can trace the uses and needs for bee pollen to before the year 700 B.C when, as we have come to discover, the ancient Egyptians had a particularly strong connection with honey that was thought of as a gift from god to take you into the afterlife. Proof of this is available through the many honey pots that have been found in the tombs of the dead.

The science of beekeeping was considerably different during these times so honey was predominantly traded, bought and sold in its rawest form. The dignified women of ancient Egypt used honey for cosmetic purposes and it was of course, also known as an aphrodisiac. With the beeswax from the hives, the Egyptians would carve divine figurines and were known to carve inscriptions in them. Some signs also indicate that brosia bee pollen honey have been used in the mummification processes in ancient Egypt due to its antibacterial, ant fungal and antiviral properties.

Brosia Bee Pollen Honey and Religions

As mentioned earlier as a quick reference, brosia bee pollen honey was mentioned in the bible. In fact, it was thought that honey was entirely symbolic of all that is pleasing and attractive in life.

The Jewish were known to use honey in various ceremonies and special occasions also. For example, when the Jewish would bring in the New Year, is was customary to sprinkle sliced apples with honey as a symbol for wishing a sweet new year.

The Hindu faith also shows strong connections to honey. They believe that honey provides good health to the mind and body. The Hindu also considers honey to be responsible for helping the body recover more rapidly from illness.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Laura Hence is one of the editors for a series of nutrition web sites. Check out the reccomended Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.

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Think of this; in the 1950' and 60's we never had so many obese people as we have today. In fact, I believe people did not get fat, they just did not like to draw attention to themselves.
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Sales stagnate as nation sickens of health fad foods - Independent

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 23:06:32 GMT

Sales stagnate as nation sickens of health fad foods
Independent, UK - 5 hours ago
Many food companies are responding by highlighting the natural health benefits of their products rather than the injected nutrients. ...
Could Boosted Fruit Smoothies Really Help Weight-loss, Improve ... Medical News Today
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Natural Healing article

Topics on Alfalfa PowderFreeplay Indigo LED Table Lantern

No one knows for sure! But many nutritionists and health practitioners have decided that it�s more important to learn from the success of the eating habits of these regions than it is to answer the question of why it works the way it does.

Recent research suggests that olive oil does even more than lower the levels of LDL, the bad boy of cholesterol. In fact, more and more studies are backing up the belief that olive oil also contains antioxidants that discourage clogging of the arteries and other chronic diseases � even cancer!

The diet is centered around healthy fats like olive oil, as well as food items such as nuts and avocados that have high levels of healthy fats. The Mediterranean Diet also recommends eating healthy grains, including pasta, bread, and legumes. Participants are encouraged to eat fish several times a week, augmented by lean protein, while red meat is limited.
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Freeplay Indigo LED Table Lantern

Barley Grass

� Shop at food coops or join a food coop that supplies organic meats and produce. Also, be cautious! Just because a store has an organic section or bins marked �Organic� does not mean that everything is 100% safe. Read up and get smart about what �organic� really means. You�ll feel better � literally and figuratively.

� Prepare your meals ahead of time, before you leave for the day. Weekends are the perfect time to plan, shop for and prepare many of the week�s meals. That way, they�ll be ready when you are.

� Check labels � read what�s in the can or box. And know that there are many additives the FDA does not require manufacturers to list on labels.
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Barley Grass


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