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Saturday, April 05, 2008

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3 Simple Steps to Effective Cardio Workouts

1- Use cardio as a tool.
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Many online stores will offer discounts and specials to their online shoppers. Reading through a review will give you a better idea of price and the upper hand when haggling with a sales person.
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Thu, 27 Mar 2008 12:54:42 EDT
In January 2008, still TTC, I decided to try ‘Agnus Castus’ - this is meant to be a ‘w...

Agnus CastusWhat is Bee Pollen?

What is bee pollen is a fabulous question and a fascinating subject besides. While asking the question what is bee pollen you must keep in mind that these little creatures are one of mankind?s greatest treasures.

What is Bee Pollen and Where Does it Come From?

Bee pollen is the tiny particles of male seed found on every flower blossom in the world, of every variety. These tiny dust particles collect on the bee?s legs as they flutter from blossom to blossom. The bees produce a number of enzymes into the pollen. A scientifically invented wire grate that softly removes the pollen from the bee?s legs as they pass through the grate into the hive usually collects the pollen. The pollen that is brushed from the bee?s hind legs is caught in a vessel that is located beneath the wire grate.

The vessel is collected by the beekeepers more than twice a week. Upon collection of the bee pollen, it is usually frozen to maintain hive freshness. After it is frozen, it is then crumbled apart in a frozen state to protect the tiny granules. This is where bee pollen comes from and the exotic answer to what is bee pollen.

What is Bee Pollen Granules

Bee pollen granules are the tiny pollen dust particles that bees collect while traveling from flower blossom to flower blossom. Add to that the bees own special addition of a secret ingredient creates the bee pollen granule. They are collected from the receptacle beneath the wire grate at the entrance of the hive.

In selecting bee pollen granules it is important you inquire about the coloring of the granules themselves and even better if you can see a picture of them or see them in person. They should be of plentiful color that indicates that the bees have collected the bee pollen from many different plant sources. This is also a great indicator of the amount of healthy nutrients in the product.

The insect parts and floral pieces are then removed and it is ready for minimal processing before being sold. This should answer your question of what are bee pollen granules. For more detailed information, seek a website that satisfies your needs and research the procedures and collection areas for your safety.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Jean Helmet is one of the main editors for a series of nutrition sites. Check out our Bee supplement source, for further information on pollen.

Recent information on Pines Wheatgrass Tablets

Pines Wheatgrass Tablets5 Acne Diet Tips to Cure Your Acne

Is there a link between acne and food you eat? Earlier, it was believed that oily foods cause acne. This is a myth, don't blame your pizza, it has nothing to do with your acne. However, what you eat can definitely affect your skin. Find out what is an acne diet. What foods you should eat and what to avoid keeping your skin acne free.

If anybody tells you that a special acne diet alone can cure your acne, be cautious. Most people need a combination of right diet and another acne treatment like an acne cream. One thing the right acne prevention diet can do is to supply your body and immune system with nutrients to fight acne. There are also foods that can make your acne worse, so naturally you want to avoid these.

1. Avoid milk

Milk is good for babies and young children, but not so good for teenagers. Especially if you have acne. And, surprisingly, it is not the fat in milk that makes it a problem. Milk contains certain hormones that can cause acne breakouts. That doesn't mean that you should not drink milk all together, of course. Coffee with cream or milk, or a bowl of cereal every now and then wouldn't do your skin any harm. But don't drink more than a glass of milk a day.

2. Sugar can cause acne breakouts

This is not 100 percent scientifically proved, but many doctors suggest that excessive sugar can make acne worse. Chocolates, sweets and soft drinks are loaded with sugar. Try to cut down on them, if not illuminate completely.

3. Fish oil is essential to cure acne

Eat more fish. Not only it is generally good for your health, but Omega 3 fats found in fish are essential for healthy skin and acne prevention. Best sources of Omega 3 are salmon, cod and tuna. Alternatively, you can take fish fat as a supplement.

4. Vitamins are important to prevent acne

Some vitamins are essential for acne diet. Most important are Vitamin B5 and Vitamin A. In high doses Vitamin A gives great results to cure acne. But it can be toxic, so you shouldn't take it without consulting your doctor. Vitamin E is also essential for good healthy skin. You can get an acne vitamin complex. A good multivitamin pill a day would also do the trick. And, of course, eating fresh fruit and veggies can help with vitamin intake, but you already knew that, right?

5. Zink can fight acne

Eat eggs, whole grains and mushrooms - they are a good source of Zink. Zink can help reduce acne. The reason it can help is because is busts your immune system, helping your body cure acne naturally.

Try to follow these tips for at least two weeks and you should see that your blemishes reduce. If you have an acne prone skin, it pays off to keep acne diet even when you don't have a breakout.

Follow these diet suggestions to keep acne under control. You can't really cure acne with diet, so don't wait for a miracle. But in combination with other acne treatments acne cure diet definitely can help.

Find information about effective acne diet and natural acne treatments at Guide to Acne Treatments published by Tanya Turner

