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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not just A blog about Raw Food Sellers

Raw Food SellersHealthy diet signs

Dietary specialists have noticed that many women, who can be proud of their well set-up figure, do not know that they follow some of healthy eating rules. Let's overview some basic principles that will help to balance your daily eating and may be crucial for weight loss.

We live not for eating, we eat for living

Women, who do not have overweight, usually eat only when they feel hungry and they live an active life. It doesn't mean that you have to spend all your free time in the sport club, it will be enough if you walk more than usually. So, rule nr. 1 - Eat only when you are hungry and don't forget about exercises.

Olive oil instead of margarine or regular butter

It is true that both these products have similar amount of calories, but olive oil has much more nutritives. While margarine and regular butter are full of processed fats which are dangerous for our health. Also, do not forget that cakes, cookies and bagels contain margarine too. Well, rule nr. 2 - Use olive oil.

Do not skip breakfast

Healthy breakfast is a good beginning of a day. It is proved that people, who eat breakfast, get more vitamins and minerals than those, who miss it. Many people do not feel hungry in the morning, because they usually have late dinner, so it is necessary to balance eating habits and eat 3-4 times per day. So, rule nr. 3 - Do not miss breakfast.

NO for snacks

Do not eat nuts or dried fruits instead of normal dinner. Of course, these snacks are healthier than piece of cake or chocolate bar, nevertheless they are not recommended instead of usual dinner. Bear in mind, that dried fruits and nuts are indigestible and have many calories. Hence, rule nr. 4 - eat normal dinner instead of snacks.

These are simple healthy diet rules. Follow them and be proud of your new look!

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About the Author

Special writer for Weight loss

Raw Food Sellers DiscussionSaw Palmetto

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