Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wheatgrass online Reviews and information

Topics on Wheatgrass onlineSuperfoods: R - T

But what if I told you something shocking yet so simple to understand: there's no �food� that arrives in a bottle, having been made in a factory and sold in powdered form, that will ever compare in terms of �super-nutrition� to fresh fruits and vegetables.

But still, almost every day I get an e-mail that says, �what do you think of __________� (fill in the blank with whatever supplement or superfood is now being promoted as the latest �amazing� product).

Although it would take forever to review every product on the market, let's review some popular supplements and superfoods that, in my opinion, are an absolute waste of money.
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Superfoods: R - T



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