Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Monday, January 26, 2009

Nutrition discussion

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Any type of hemorrhoid can cause irritation, pain, and bleeding in the areas of the anus and rectum. It is important to identify the cause of your hemorrhoids for future preventative measures. You may want to look at dietary and lifestyle changes to help reduce symptoms.

Elizabeth Radisson is the editor of, a website devoted to information on the symptoms, causes and treatment of hemorrhoids. Also, visit for more health-related information.
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Health Food Books and Recipe ideas

Not all cosmetic companies use paraben preservatives and many are phasing out their use now that enough questions have been raised about their overall long term safety. New cosmetic companies, more focused on offering natural and organic products, have made their "no paraben" policy a platform issue. This means there are a wide variety of paraben-free products which are mostly now available for purchase in health food stores and on the internet.

With the increasing popularity of the natural and organic body care market more companies are jumping on the proverbial "natural" band wagon. With this additional commercial interest and the lack of FDA regulation around the word "natural" one must never rely solely on a company's marketing and advertising claims and always read the ingredient label to confirm that an ingredient is truly not being used in the formula.
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Health Food Books and Recipe ideas

Slippery Elm Powder

In persons of northern European extraction approximately 1 in 10 persons carries one copy of C282Y. Even one copy of C282Y can be associated with too much iron in the liver, high cholesterol, diabetes and the skin disorder porphyria cutanea tarda.
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Slippery Elm Powder

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