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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Healing discussion

HealingHealthy Ground Beef Recipe

This healthy ground beef recipe is as delicious as it is nutritious. This hearty chili has a bold, distinctive flavor that any chili lover would appreciate.

Maybe you or someone you love is not too found of chili, well I challenge you to take out a spoon and try this dish. You will be immediately licking your lips and that will be followed with a definite YESSS!. It is worth a try.


1 lb. lean cut ground beef

1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

2 cups red kidney beans

2 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. ground red pepper

1 cup frozen corn

1-8 oz. can tomato sauce

1-8 oz. can diced tomatoes with green chilies

1 cup Tabasco sauce

? cup yellow onion, diced

To Make:

Soak the red kidney beans overnight in cold water before using them in this recipe. In a skillet, combine the olive oil and hamburger meat.

Cook the meat on high heat until the pink color has disappeared. Remove the skillet from the heat and drain any excess oil. Put the hamburger meat into a large saucepan. Now add the kidney beans.

Your frozen bag of corn does have to thaw a little bit before adding it to the beans and meat. Add the corn. Now open your can of tomato sauce and tomatoes with green chilies. The tomatoes and chilies do not have to be drained.

This extra sauce will only add more flavors. No harm done.

Next, dice up the yellow onion and add it to the beans and hamburger meat.

Lastly, you must season your meaty chili with beans. The first seasoning to be added is the Tabasco sauce. Use more or less sauce depending on your preference for spicy flavors. Stir the chili after adding the Tabasco sauce. Lastly, add the chili powder and red pepper. Stir the chili once more.

Bring this chili to a full boil and boil on high heat for 15 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium and cover.

Cook for another 10 minutes.

Serve immediately with a large slice of cornbread.

About the Author: Hans is author of Prime Roast, Steaks, Seafood Articles at
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