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Friday, September 19, 2008

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Slimming ProductsColorectal Cancer - Herbs and Change of Diet - No Thanks to Chemotherapy!

Rana (not real name, male) was 47 years old when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. Sometimes he had blood in his stools. This problem persisted for a few years. Like many people, Rana did not pay attention to what his body was trying to tell him. A blood test showed elevated CEA, at 21.2 . Later a colonoscopy indicated cancer and Rana underwent an operation to resect 26 cm of his bowel. The histopathology report dated 22 April 2004, indicated a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the rectum, involving fat with spread to pericolic lymph nodes (6/10). The resected surgical margins were free. The cancer was staged as Duke?s C.

Rana was asked to undergo chemotherapy but he declined. He decided to take herbs and change his diet instead. He has been on this alternative therapy for three years now. He claimed that he is even healthier now than before he had cancer. The results of his blood test reflected this wellbeing ? all values were within normal range and his recent CEA was at 2.2 (compared to 21.1 at diagnosis).

I met up with Rana on 28 November 2006. Below are excerpts of our conversation.

Question: How did you get to know that you had cancer?

Answer: This is an interesting story. My brother-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer in December 2003. He had his operation in the same month. Two months later, my late mother-in-law was also diagnosed with colon cancer and she was operated on in February 2004. I sometimes had to bring her to see her doctor for a follow-up check. While waiting in the doctor?s clinic, I saw posters about doing tests to find out about all these things. Out of curiosity I did my blood test. A week later they called me up saying that something was wrong ? my CEA was 21.

Q: Okay, after your CEA was 21, what did you do?

A: As I have said earlier, my brother-in-law and later my late mother-in-law had cancer and they went to see the doctor in one private hospital. So, I also went to see the same gastrointestinal specialist. He did a colonoscopy and told me that I had cancer. The doctor told me that I should not wait any longer and said: ?I have already notified the surgeon to stand by. You need to do the operation immediately.?

My wife was a bit angry because he did not even do a biopsy and yet he had already made a decision that it was cancer. Anyway, it was three days later that he called me and said: ?I am afraid it is cancer.? Being ignorant, I did not panic or collapse. I just accepted the verdict. I was grateful that I was ignorant at that time. If I were to know too much, perhaps I would have reacted and took it differently. People say the moment you are diagnosed with cancer, it is a death certificate.

Q: After the diagnosis, I remember that you came to see me in Penang.

A: Yes, and you told me to go ahead with the surgery and after three weeks to start taking the herbs. Since then I have been on your herbs.

Q: After the operation, did they want you to go for chemotherapy?

A: Yes. A day before I was to be discharged, the surgeon came and said this: ?I have good news and I have bad news for you. The good news is you don?t have to do radiotherapy. The bad news is you have to do chemotherapy. If you don?t do it the chances of your surviving for the next five years is 35 percent.? I asked the surgeon: ?What happen if I do chemo?? He replied: ?55 percent.?

Q: Then, you took herbs?

A: Yes, from April 2004. Chemotherapy -- I didn?t think I could take it. Then based on trust, I wanted to try and do something different.
Wife: It has been two years plus now.

Q: Okay, as a person, how do you feel now?

A: I feel better now than I was before. I don?t have this tiredness. I also realized that if the stools are still inside, I feel uneasy -- I feel heavy and it goes to the head. Now, I go to the toilet, may be 3 to 4 times a day -- before it was 2 to 3 days once. I remember you telling me about the carrots. Since then, I take carrot juice every morning on an empty stomach.

Q: So, in terms of health, are you better off?

A: Yes, and I have gained weight too and with no meat in my diet!

Q: Now, in terms of your blood test results, is everything okay?

A: Yes, only once the ESR shot up to 12 after I came back from London. I was worried but you told me it could be due to stress, etc. Before that I did not believe that these would affect my health. I remember you telling me: ?You are your own doctor. Your body will tell you if something is not right.? Anyway, now I do realize and do not accept the idea that I am already 100% cured. But I only know that the next day I can wake up and be thankful to God for this.

Q: Are you happy with what you are doing now and also happy with the herbs?

A: Of course, yes -- no complaints.

Q: Do you feel more empowered now?

A: Yes. I am more careful and I know the risks. So when I travel I bring along with me all the herbs --Capsule A and then my boiling flask for my herbal teas. There was something I noticed. I was in Chiang Mai (northern Thailand) one time. I took only the capsule and not the teas. I felt something was wrong with my body. I did not go to the toilet as often. I was just different from before. I felt different and there was a difference!

Before the herbs, I had to see the doctor for flu, coughs and sore throat. These problems cropped up once every two or three months. But since taking the herbs, for two and half years now, I have not seen any doctor. No, I don?t have to see any doctor.

For more information on the CA Therapy:
http://www.BookOnCancer and view our video clips on healing of colon cancer,

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