Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Monday, April 28, 2008

Lets talk about natural health food

Topics on natural health foodHealth Food Books and Recipe ideas

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater, Alternative Medical Specialist
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
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Health Food Books and Recipe ideas

Gift Certificates

Cut back on Corn Flakes (92), Rice Krispies (82) and substitute All-Bran (32) or switch to a cereal based on oats, barley or bran. Stop eating white bagels (72), white bread (70) or whole-wheat bread (77) and switch to pumpernickel (50) or sourdough (55). Fruits are mostly low GI foods and surprisingly orange juice (46) is very good.
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Gift Certificates

Organic Spirulina Powder - 500g - �17.99

The gym myth

How many people do you know are trying to lose weight through going to gym? Well, gyms have an 80% dropout rate. That means they make most of their money from people that don't go! I'll bet most of those people wanted to lose weight�
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 500g - �17.99

natural health foodThe Wondrous Benefits of Soy Protein

Fri, 18 Apr 2008 19:00:30 EDT

Soy protein is emerging as one of the great alternative protein sources for
human consumption. Health experts are all excited about how soy protein can
change the face of nutrition. What's all th...

Intl health group calls for banning GM crops, agri liberalization - Trading Markets (press release)

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 05:04:20 GMT

Intl health group calls for banning GM crops, agri liberalization
Trading Markets (press release), CA - 10 hours ago
Kevin Akoyi of PAN Uganda supported the findings and said we can produce more and better food without destroying rural livelihoods and our natural resources ...
Re: Assam] WaterWatch] GM-Free Organic Agriculture to Feed the World AssamNet
all 4 news articles

It’s the end of the world as we know it for Gordon Brown - Sunday Herald

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 19:44:00 GMT
COME ON Gordon, lighten up. It isn't the end of the world. So, the Tories are 18% ahead in the latest YouGov poll; there is a summer of industrial discontent looming; you ...

Indian scientist turns prawn waste into super food

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 04:57:24 CST
Astaxanthin sells at about $200 a gram and as well as being used as a human health supplement, it is useful in salmon and egg production. ...




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