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Monday, December 15, 2008

Holistic Healing Info

Quality Goji BerriesPhysician's Resume Gets A Clean Bill Of Health

Are you a physician, therapist or other health care professional looking to brush up your resume? Here are seven smart tactics you can employ right now to give your resume a check up and promote your professional expertise.

  1. Structure your resume to match the priorities of the position you're aiming for. When recruiters are screening resumes, it's the information at the top of the page that's likely to be noticed first. So make sure that you highlight the most telling aspects of your background in a skills summary or profile statement at the beginning.
  2. Choose a resume format that suits your preferred career summary. If the progress of your work history from job to job is a persuasive factor, a reverse chronological format may be right for you. If, on the other hand, you wish to promote groups of skills more strongly, you may be better off choosing a functional format which emphasizes your specialist knowledge under appropriate category headings.
  3. The first two strategies give you the opportunity to create the right resume 'architecture' for your application. It's up to you to decide how to prioritize the information that you'll include. For example, job candidates often put their educational details after their work history -- but would that suit your needs best? Depending on your experience and specialist medical area, you may want to indicate your training and its practical application earlier in the resume to lend it greater emphasis.
  4. Have you carried out research into particular conditions, diseases or methods of treatment? Such investigative work may be a powerful influence in your favor, along with any papers or reference work you may have published.
  5. It's likely that your resume will be screened by fellow professionals who have an understanding of the kind of medical terminology or expert language that is common currency between fellow practitioners. It can be useful show your familiarity with clinical terms, acronyms and other vocabulary in your field. These keywords may also be important if recruiters employ automated scanning techniques to make a preliminary selection.
  6. Clarity of presentation will enhance your resume, particularly if it contains a lot of important detail. So ensure that you make it easy to read by sensible use of typography and layout. Bullet points help the reader to absorb detail and white space between sections makes a document easy on the eye. If you have too much information to fit on one page, it may be better to continue onto a second sheet rather than reducing font sizes.
  7. You can benefit greatly by asking for a second opinion of your resume's appearance from someone whose judgment you trust. Ask them about your resume's legibility -- and also ask for their help in checking spelling.

If you would like to see a sample physician's resume or get more related information about resume objectives and formats, cover letters and interview technique, visit

You can also sign up for a newsletter to find about helpful tips, videos and other resources to support your job hunting.

News on Quality Goji BerriesIndigestion

All animals

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Sun, 30 Nov 2008 08:14:23 GMT Announces its Holiday Sales Event with Great ...
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Pure Juice and Takeaway’s Goji High smoothie, an antioxidant-fest of Goji berries, blueberries, and Brazil milk, is a textured and invigorating supplement ...

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