Barley Grass Powder - Facts Website

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Goji Berry Updates

Goji Berry NewsFlatulence/Gas

4. Exercise! If you haven't jumped on the health train yet you better finally do it! Exercise has literally thousands of benefits including preventing kidney stones! Find activities that you enjoy and go out and do them! You should make a goal of 30 minutes of exercise for 3-4 days a week!

5. Find a step-o-meter! A step-o-meter shows you how many steps you took during the day. Step-o-meters became extremely popular years ago when McDonalds gave them out! You should make a goal for 10,000 steps per day.

6. Sleep! Most Americans either get too little or get too much! You should try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Your body has a natural clock so it is recommended to always go to bed and get up at the same times.
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Carob Pods

Shawna Kaminski is a long time teacher and personal trainer. You can see how she�s �shaking up� the programs of her clients at or
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